Vivaldi Group

products conceived projected and manufactured by Vivaldi

Vivaldi Giove VG10.50

unique system cable
Variante codice:Vivaldi Giove VG10.100 unique system cable
Vivaldi Giove VG10.200 unique system cable
System cable, supplied in 100 mt rools.
Ø 6 mm section.
Unique cable for the following wirings:
-Connection for active subwoofer (##Vivaldi Giove Sub6A##, Vivaldi Giove Sub10A), amplifier or active speaker to GIOVE FREE devices.
-Interconnection between Vivaldi Giove FREEMK3, Vivaldi Giove FREENETMK3, ##Vivaldi Giove iFree55.I##, ##Vivaldi Giove iFree70.I##
-Connection of external, internal or local sources to GIOVE FREE devices.
-It can create a connection between different GIOVE FREE devices to use a common source (master-slave).
-Connection between multiform systems ##Vivaldi Giove CA20##, ##Vivaldi Giove CA21##, ##Vivaldi Giove MULTIMEDIA CA28## and devices Vivaldi Giove FREENETMK3, ##Vivaldi Giove iFree55.I##, ##Vivaldi Giove iFree70.I##
-Power supply for Vivaldi Giove FREENETMK3, ##Vivaldi Giove iFree55.I##, ##Vivaldi Giove iFree70.I## when in stand-alone mode.
-Multi Shield Technology
-Vg10 cable fitted out Multi Shield Technology: every conductor is individually shield to warn noises or cross-talk-

Available also:
-100 mt rools Vivaldi Giove VG10.100
-200 mt rools Vivaldi Giove VG10.200
Vivaldi srl ongoing effort to improve its products, reserves the right to make technical and aesthetic changes effectively without obligation to notice